Convaincus que chacun et chacune mérite un voyage à son image et pour vous faire profiter pleinement de vos vacances, l’équipe de French VIP Service vous propose depuis 2016 leurs services pour vous faire profiter des meilleures activités de Miami et de l’Etat de Floride aux meilleurs prix !
CEO of French VIP Services
Following his childhood dream, David has been living on American soil for more than a decade. He has never ceased to explore every corner of Florida, and some mythical places in the United States and now allows you to discover them.
Communication Officer
Young communicator, Lisa manages the blog site and advises you the best address of the State of Florida. Community Manager, she answers you from our different social networks !
Graphic Designer
With a bachelor's degree in Online Digital Creation and Development, Guillaume participated in the site's new graphic charter, as well as its implementation.
Graphic Designer